HTTP Error: 401, You do not have privileges to access this project. Please contact the project owner or an administrator of this account

HTTP Error: 401, You do not have privileges to access this project. Please contact the project owner or an administrator of this account

The mentioned issue might occur due to the following :

  1. If you are trying to initialise your project in a folder in which already a Catalyst project from different account is being initialised. 
  2. If you are trying in a new folder and the issue still persists, the location in which the folder is present might have a project initialised from a different account. 

For Example : If you are initialising in this location : C/windows/system32/catalyst/aliencity , the previous folders namely Catalyst or system32 or windows folder might have a Catalyst project initialised. To resolve this issue, kindly delete all the catalyst related files including a hidden file named .catalystrc and then try catalyst init. Kindly do check on the same and get back to us if you further face any issues. You can find the help documentation for the same here