If you use a self client to generate the Grant token, then you need to use Postman to generate the access token for your usage. In postman, make a POST request to the following sample URL :
Replace the specified variables with the respective values to generate an access token. You can also find a sample cURL which you can import via postman to generate access token as follows :
In order to avoid the 401 issue when deleting a file in filestore, kindly update your Catalyst CLI & Node SDK to its latest version and then re login from your CLI by executing the following commands. sudo npm i -g zcatalyst-cli sudo npm i ...
You can check out the circuits feature available in Catalyst. Circuits are also background processes similar to Cron functions. You can initially trigger a circuit and begin the polling type data fetch accordingly for every 1-5 minutes and whenever a ...
you can remove the .html suffix from your URL using the API Gateway feature available in Catalyst. You can find the help documentation for the same here.
As of now, we do not have the support for attaching files while sending email. For now, we would suggest you to upload the file to the Catalyst Filestore, and create an URL for the same using the Catalyst functions and share the URL via mail to ...
You need to set the redirection URL in your application in your client-package.json file in order to redirect your application to that page after login. You can find the help documentation for the same here.