Basic I/O function in Nodejs to insert row in Catalyst Data Store
- const catalyst = require("zcatalyst-sdk-node");
- module.exports = async(context, basicIO) => {
- const tablename = "Students"
- const app = catalyst.initialize(context);
- let name = basicIO.getArgument("name");
- let age = basicIO.getArgument("age");
- let rowData = {
- name: name,
- age: age
- };
- //Use the table meta object to insert the row which returns a promise
- let datastore = app.datastore();
- let table = datastore.table(tablename);
- let insertPromise = table.insertRow(rowData);
- await insertPromise.then((row) => {
- console.log("Row inserted successfully" +JSON.stringify(row));
- basicIO.write(JSON.stringify(row));
- }).catch((err) => {
- console.log("Exception occured :" +err);
- basicIO.write(JSON.stringify(err));
- })
- context.close();
- };
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