Python code Deployment to Catalyst Appsail via CLI

Python code Deployment to Catalyst Appsail via CLI

Hi Support Team,
    Our python code is run properly in windows os catalyst local environment without any issue so we tried to deploy to catalyst dev environment and deployed the code successfully without any issue.

We got an invocation url for Appsail so we try to run our Appsail code via browser. Finally we have checked the logs in catalyst got error as module 'os' has no attribute 'add_dll_directory'.

We asked help to Catalyst support they replied like 

create a requirements.txt file in the lib folder that contains all the neccessary packages for your application and add the below code snippet in the "scripts" key in the app-config.json from your appsail folder.

  1. "scripts": {
  2. "preserve":"del /q .\\lib\\* /s && python3.9 -m pip install -r requirements.txt -t .",
  3. "predeploy":"del /q .\\lib\\* /s && python3.9 -m pip install --only-binary=:all: --platform manylinux2014_aarch64 -r requirements.txt -t ."
  4. }

Our Python verson is 3.12.1 and we have installed all the packages inside the lib folder as per our python verson.

Is it to change/install all the packages as per catalyst dev environment python verson 3.9 before deploy the code to development envirnment?
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