Ok... so there are simply too many steps that one needs to take in order to deploy to production.
In my particular situation, I can't test in Development mode for SSL cert related reasons, and therefore I need to deploy every time I make a change. The number of clicks to get to deployment should ideally be one. Instead, I have to do the following:
1. Click on "Manage Environments in the drop-down menu on the upper right.
2. Click on the "Deployments" tab on the left side of the screen.
3. Click on "Create Deployment" at the far right side of the screen.
4. Next, I'm forced to create a comment message, which is kind of an absurd thing to enforce imho... so it usually ends up being something along the lines of "hgtdhfg".
5. Click on the Create button in the top/middle of the screen.
6. Now I'm faced with a screen where I can select which things to update. Since I never ever need to alter these settings, I click "Save and Next" in the lower right of the screen.
7. Then I wait a few moments for the difference generation to do it's thing. This often times will hang in the UI, in which case I hit refresh once Chrome issues a notification that it's finished, where I'm at a screen that shows me where the differences are. This would be much more appropriate in a log file somewhere.
8. Next I click on "Begin Deployment" in the lower right of the screen. One might think we're home free now...
9. But no...Next is confirmation asking, "Are you sure you want to begin deployment?". Seriously? Which of course is at the top/middle of the screen, I click "Yes, proceed."
10. I eagerly await for my deployment to complete, in which case it'll usually get stuck in the UI around 90.48%. (I personally would have been fine with whole number percentages, but I digress). So on I get the Chrome notification that it's done, I again click on refresh to see that it's done.
I know that it's nice to have the UI graphical eye-candy and multiple layers of validation if you're just getting started, but for many of us, all 10 of these steps could simply be executed in a single selection by creating a new menu option that you could name, "Fast Deploy to Production" that could be positioned underneath the "Manage Environments" menu. This would cumulatively save so much time. With regard to the comments, just create version numbers that increment, or just leave it blank.